Popcorn Fundraiser
Pack 1402 Popcorn Fundraiser
The Trail's End Popcorn is our main fundraiser for the year. Popcorn sales fund the Pack’s den activities. Each pack can decide how they spend their funds. Scouts are also eligible to receive prizes for popcorn sales.
There are several sales avenues that Scouts can use for selling popcorn. Regardless of the method, they all require the Scout to have their own Trail's End account (set up and managed by a parent).
Key Dates
August 13 - Sign-up for Storefront Reservations
September 1 - Official start for Popcorn Sales
September 10 - Popcorn Kick Off
October 23 – Final sales and Prize Orders due
December 10 - Prizes distributed (tentative, depending on prize availability)
Setting up an account at Trail's End
The Trails End account can be set up two ways:
1. Online at https://www.trails-end.com
2. Using the Trails End mobile app, which can be downloaded at https://app.trails-end.com
Regardless of which method you use, you will need the following information to set up the account:
Council: Sam Houston Area Council
District: Thunderwolf
Unit: Pack 1402
Unit Code: CEYJB
Taking Orders
Use the Trail's End app to record all popcorn sales.
Online Sales
This method of selling requires the least amount of effort, however, the amount of sales will depend on the time spent creating the Scout's online store and the amount of time spent marketing.
To get started, log into the Trails End website, and on the left menu select "Manage Page." From there you can customize the Scout's page to tell customers why they should support him or her, select a favorite product and upload videos and pictures. Remember, you are selling Scouting, not popcorn. Talk about all the benefits of Scouting and how the popcorn sale benefits the Scout and the Pack.
You can share the link with friends and family via e-mail, text and social networking sites.
Some benefits to online sales:
Free Shipping on orders $65 or more
The product is shipped directly to the customer
Payment processed by Trails End - money does not have to be handled by Scout, parents or Pack
Storefront Sales
Scouts set up a table to sell product in a static location (typically a store). With this method, customers pay for and take the product at the sale. Scouts can sign up for 2 hour time slots are arranged by the Pack on the Trails End App or they can host their own (at a church, for example). To arrange your own Storefront Sale, please contact the Popcorn Kernel. Sales credit will be divided among all Scouts participating that day based on time spent by the Scout divided by the total time spent by Scouts.
Wagon Sales/In-Person Sales
A "Wagon Sale" is when a Scout(s) take product around a neighborhood in a wagon or door to door to sell to customers. The selected products are delivered to the customer immediately and payment is taken at that time. These orders are processed as a Wagon Sale on the Trail’s End App.
Scout Expectations:
Scouts must look "neat" and wear their Class A uniform with their shirts tucked in
Scouts must arrive for their shift on time
Scouts must adhere to the Scout Law (especially, a Scout is Courteous, Kind, Obedient and Cheerful)
Parent (or other guardian) Expectations:
Parents must have the Trails End Mobile App on a phone or other device with an internet connection
Parents must help their Scouts with the sale and be responsible for any money collected.
The parents at the first shift of the day must make arrangements to pick up the supplies from the Popcorn Kernel before the sale and set up the table and products.
The parents at the last shift of the day must make arrangement to coordinate the unsold product to the Popcorn Kernel after the sale and packing up the table.
Military Donations:
Support our troops by sending a gift of popcorn to military men & women, their families, & veteran organizations.
Record Military donations in the Trail's End App or on the Trail's End Website the same way that In-Person orders are recorded. Note that donations not fitting in the $50 or $30 product options can be recorded as a "Heroes & Helpers Donation."
Military Donations count toward Trail's End, Council, and Pack 1402 prizes and incentives.
The Pack receives the same commission on Military Donations as we do on popcorn sales.
Pack 1402 Donations:
Some customers want to support Pack 1402 directly. As long as we did not solicit a donation, we are permitted to accept it.
Please report any Pack 1402 Donations to the Popcorn Kernel.