
The Cub Scout Uniform is a critical part of being a Cub Scout. It is a method used to develop character and citizenship. All Cub Scouts are encouraged to have at least one Class-A uniform, one Class-B uniform. 

Pack 1402 has a "Belt Up" Uniform Policy. Only uniform elements from the belt and upwards are reuqired. 

Class A uniforms should be worn at all major Pack 1402 events including monthly Pack meetings, award banquets, parties (Halloween and Christmas), parades, and other special events. 

Class B uniforms should be worn at all Den meetings and other events as requested. 

Class A Uniform elements are available for purchase from the Stafford Scout Shop

Stafford Scout Shop

Inside the United Way building 

12300 Parc Crest Drive, Suite 130

Stafford, TX 77477

Knowing the items you wish to purchase, along with the answers to the following questions will ensure a smooth experience

Council: Sam Houston Area

Pack Number: 1402

Den Number

Cub Scout Rank: (Lion / Tiger / Wolf / Bear / Webelos / AOL)

Some of the badges will be pre-sewn on the uniform. The Scout Shop will offer to sew on the remaining badges for $3 each. Make a decision in advance on whether you would like your badges sewn on for you. If you elect to sew the badges on yourself, please refer to the Scouting America Insignia Guide

Class A Uniform

Lion Scouts (K) (not pictured above)

Tiger (1st) / Wolf (2nd) / Bear (3rd) / Webelos (4th)

Arrow of Light (5th Grade)


Class B Uniform

The Class B Uniform is comprised solely of the Pack T-Shirt. Any legacy Class B Uniform may also be worn

Further Detailed Uniform Guidelines can be found on the Scouting America Website