Cub Scouts Adventures are the individual pieces of badgework that a Cub Scout will complete. Adventures are specific to to each Cub Scout grade and rank. A number of Adventures must be completed to earn the badge of rank for each grade level. Completion of Adventures is how the aims of character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness are developed. Typically, and adventure can be completed in a single Den Meeting.
Adult Partner
A parent, big brother or sister, uncle or grandparent, or anyone who joins with a Lion or Tiger Cub to help him Search, Discover and Share the world as they play and do things with other Tigers and their partners.
The Leader of the Cub Scout Pack. This is typically the Cubmaster, but Akela also means Den Leaders and YOU--the main leader your Cub Scout looks to for guidance!
Arrow of Light
The Cub Scout 5th Grade rank. This is the highest award of rank that a Cub Scout can earn. It the only non-religious award from Cub Scouts which can be worn on a Scout Uniform.
Assistant Cubmaster (CA)
An adult volunteer who helps the Cubmaster run the pack and fills in when the Cubmaster is unavailable.
Assistant Den Leader (DA)
A volunteer leader who helps the Den Leader with leading den meeting and fills in when the Den Leader is unavailable.
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation. The Cub Scout leader training required for any CubScout den or pack outdoor event, including pack camping overnighters and Webelos
den overnighters.
A 3rd Grade Cub Scout. Been there, done that, and looking for action. Chooses their achievements, and looks forward to Webelos.
Blue and Gold Banquet
A Banquet held to celebrate the anniversary of Cub Scouting. This celebration can be an annual pot luck dinner, banquet or whatever the pack decides to make it.
Blue and Gold Colors
The Cub Scout Colors. Blue stands for truth and spirituality, loyalty, and the sky above. Gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer, and happiness.
Buddy System
One part of the Safe Swim Defense. Swimmers of like ability are paired. Check in and out of the water together and stay within 10 feet of each other during the swim. It is also used on other Cub Scout activities for safety reasons.
Formal permission from the Boy Scouts of America allowing a pack to organize
Chartered Organization
An organization that sponsors the pack. Monthly meetings are usually held in a building owned by that organization.
Chartered Organization Representative
An adult representative of the group or organization that currently holds the BSA charters. Reports information to and from the chartered organization
Class A
The formal Cub Scout Uniform. Typically worn at formal scouting occasions.
Class B
The Pack 1402 T-Shirt. Typically worn at Outdoor Activities, Den Meetings and some Pack Meetings.
This is a group of adult volunteers who “run” the pack. Any interested adult is welcome to attend Committee meetings
Committee Chair
The adult volunteer leader of the pack committee. A member of the Key 3. Oversees the administrative component of Pack Operations.
A 501(c)(3) non-profit, community-based, youth-serving organization, supporting the delivery of the Scouting program within a specified geographical area. Each Council supports Cub Scout Packs, Scout Troops, and Venture Crews which are operated by chartered organizations.
A Venturing Unit. Comprised of youth 14-20 years old known as Venturers.
A ceremony where Arrow of Light (5th Grade) Cub Scouts formally transition from the Cub Scout Pack, to be members of a Scout Troop.
Cub Scout
A youth member of Scouting of elementary school age (grade Kingerten to 5th)
The Cubmaster is one of the Key 3 adult volunteers. The Cubmaster is responsible for running the pack program, and mentoring other leaders.
A group of 6-8 scouts, often of the same gender, rank, and age, who meet at regular intervals to work on adventures.
A Cub Scout elected by his peers to serve as a youth leader of the Den.
Den Chief
A Scout who serves as a youth assistant Den Leader.
Den Leader
A Volunteer Adult responsible for coordinating the activities of a Den. This often involves Hosting Den Meetings to work on Adventures, and assisting the Cubmaster by focusing on their Den during Pack activities.
A collection of Scouting Units (Packs, Troops & Crews) that work together to deliver the Scouting Program accross a geographical region. A number of districts exist within a Council.
District Executive
A professional Scouter who is responsible for the administration of the district.
Elective Adventure
An Adventure that the Cub Scouts may elect to complete. These Adventures are not requirements for a Cub Scout to earn their badge of rank.
Fleur de lis
International Scout Emblem. Silver on a purple background. Worn on the Class A Uniform by all Scouts Worldwide.
Friends of Scouting
Annual giving campaign run by Scouting Councils. Money raised by the Friends of Scouting campaign is used to support the general operations of Scouting, which include Campsites, delivery of scouting programs to underprivileged youth, council scouting events, and administrative unit support.
Largish post-scout person, good for helping Cub Scouts with tools, fire, and holding things while Cub Scouts plays. Strong candidate for becoming an adult volunteer.
Word used with great pride by boy in Cub Scouts, as in “I did it!”
What happens when scout says “I did it!” after trying very hard.
Key 3
The 3 top adults repsonsible for the success operation of Scouting. In every scouting unit, at every level, there is a dedicated Key 3 serving. In a Cub Scout Pack the Key 3 are comprised of the Chartered Organization Representative, the Committee Chair, and the Cubmaster.
Young male goat, or some one else’s progeny. Good candidate for becoming a Cub Scout.
10 Character traits that a Scout should exemplify in all aspects of their life.
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent
Person who donates their time to serve youth. Helping youth grow to be young adults of character. Sets example by giving back to the community.
A Kindergarten Cub Scout, ready to Search, Discover and Share the world as they play and do things with other Lions and their adult partners
Semi-chaotic gathering of children where much fun and some learning occurs, supported by the Cubmaster, Den Leaders and Grown-ups.
Everything for a Lion or Tiger Cub! Learning about others, working with his partner, and finding out about the world around them. New things are things to Search--Discover--and Share for the whole Den.
Order of the Arrow. Scouting America's Honor Society. Comprised of those who give cheerful service helping others learn to enjoy the outdoors. Members are known as Arrowmen. The Order of the Arrow present dramatic and exciting ceremonies at campfires and special awards meetings.
The whole group – all of our dens and families together is called a Pack. The pack usually meets as a whole once per month.
Pinewood Derby
A pack racing competition, where Cubs and their parents work together to make model pinewood derby cars and compete for prizes.
The Scout Promise is a promise that each Scout makes with themselves. It is an outline for how they plan to live their life in alignment with
Word Not Known
Roundtables support unit leaders through delivering effective program ideas, relationship development, and timely communication. Roundtables also provide an opportunity for sharing experiences and enjoying fun and fellowship with other leaders.
A Scout is between the ages of 11 and 18 and belongs to a troop. They advance through these ranks: Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, then Eagle.
Scout can also be used as a collective noun to refer to youth participating in the scouting program at all levels.
Scout Life
A Scouting magazine, produced monthly.
Someone who may or may not have been involved in Scouting, but just really loves the program and gets satisfaction from helping youth develop into young adults.
Scouting America
Scouting America (Formerly known as "The Boy Scouts of America") is the nationally chartered organization that encompasses Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers and Sea Scouts.
A first grade Cub Scout, ready to Search, Discover and Share the world as they play and do things with other Tigers and their adult partners
Available in many varieties to help all adults Do Their Best to be a good leader. Training is offered both online and in person. Common training options are Online Basic Training, Attending Roundtable, BALOO, and Wood Badge.
A Scouting Unit. Comprised of youth 11-18 years old known as Scouts.
Unit Commissioner
A veteran adult volunteer who serves as a mentor to the Key 3. Works with Packs, Troops, and Crews to help the unit succeed.
Most anything you’d never think of. Juice can lids and tissue tubes, bits of string, wood, packing peanuts, wheels, marbles, frosting containers, and whole bunches of stuff that make great craft supplies!
A Youth 14-20 years old participating in the Scouting America Venturing program. Focussing on Adventure, Leadership, Personal Development, and Service.
What a scout wins every time he does something he really had to try at, even if they don’t go the fastest or highest or whatever.
The heart and soul of Scouting
WE’ll BE LOyal scouts. Scouts in 4th grade. Embarking on the journey to become a Scout. Works on Activity Pins, camps, goes on hikes. Old hand at this Cub Scout business--can build a Pinewood Derby car blindfolded.
Cub Scout in 2nd grade. Incredibly cute in blue uniform and new yellow neckerchief. Full of life and enthusiasm, eager to learn all about Cubs.
Wood Badge
Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open to Scouting volunteers and professionals.
Wood Badge is a fun, challenging, and inspirational Scouting experience. It offers a five-day immersion in the theory, practice, and experience of appropriate skills for leadership in Scouting and Non-Scouting environments.